TreeWiz screenshots

The first of the following two pictures shows the biggest subcomponent of the SYSTERS protein tree (created by a linkage clustering algorithm using e-values as distance measure) with 50 000 leaf nodes in a restricted view and some subtrees of it. The restricted view preserves the structure of the tree while suppressing the details, i.e. the leaf nodes that do not fit onto the screen. The colors of the clusters represented by rectangles correspond with the colors of the subtrees.

screenshot showing 
SYSTERS tree and parts of it

The following two pictures show a subtree of the SYSTERS tree where some subtrees are marked in different colors. The proteins which form the leaf nodes of those subtrees are used to define clusters of proteins which are shown in the window below the tree image. Each of the colored lines between two clusters denotes a relationsship between the clusters which consists of a domain which appears in at least one protein in each of the two clusters.

screenshot showing 
SYSTERS subtree tree with some subtrees marked in different colors. screenshot showing 
clusters of proteins and their relationships wrt. shared domains

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